A proof-of-concept DCF77 time signal simulator written in JavaScript, using Web Audio API. You can use this web page to synchronize your DCF77-radio-controlled clock or watch. Click on START TRANSMISSION, set your radio controlled clock or watch to “receive” mode and place it near a speaker or a pair of headphones. It should take a few minutes at most for your watch to synchronize. If you cannot get it to work, try increasing the volume.

The transmitted signal is automatically in timezone (DCF77 signal time). Some filtering has been applied to the signal to make it less harsh on ears and to improve the signal quality. Nevertheless, the signal is a high-pitched 15.5kHz sine wave, so please protect your hearing and do not start the transmission with full volume! The signal has been successfully tested on a Casio Wave Ceptor watch and a radio controlled wall clock. The best results were had with an iPhone speaker, or a pair of headphones (most headphone brands should work), with volume set to about 80–100%.

Current DCF77 time
